
Welcome To Lead Nuggets!

Issue #1 | 10/8/20

Welcome to the first issue of Lead Nuggets! I’m super excited to have you but I am a little nervous too because…

There’s no shortage of digital marketing newsletters out there and I really want Lead Nuggets to be one of your favorites. Even as I’m typing this I can’t stop thinking about what your opinion of issue #1 will be.

Over the years I’ve sent tens of thousands of emails but I’ve never created an actual newsletter before so this is a first for me…

It brings me back to the first time I ever spent money on paid traffic. I remember like it was yesterday. I was excited but also really nervous…

I was running a Google Adwords campaign and direct linking to a CPA offer. Right after I turned on the campaign, I stood up, smirked, then walked to the kitchen and threw the meanest air punch you’ve ever seen…

It felt good to go from knowing nothing to starting my first paid traffic campaign…

After grabbing a cup of lemonade from the refrigerator, I walked back to my bedroom, sat on my bed, then placed my laptop on my lap…

I stared at my Adwords dashboard for about 3 mins then began to repeatability click refresh on my browser. I damn near made my computer freeze from how many times I clicked refresh…

Of course, the stats showed I still hadn’t got any impressions since the campaign has only been turned on for a whopping 10 mins…

After refreshing every min for an additional 5 mins I realized that I should probably go do something else for a few then come back and check my stats…

Later that night I logged back into my Adwords account and saw that I spent $110. At the time I thought “if I spent $110 so far I must have made at least $200 in sales”…

So I logged into my CPA account and saw I made a grand total of $9. You’d think that would have discouraged me but instead, I felt like my journey was just starting and there was more to come…

Today, I have the same opening day jitters I had back in 2007. But this time, I’m not alone. Our journeys are getting started together…

The Nuggets

How To Craft Six-Figure Email Campaigns In 1 Hour Or Less

Email marketing is still the #1 traffic source for online businesses. However, crafting highly effective email campaigns can be time-consuming if you don’t have a proven blueprint to follow. In this nugget, you’ll learn the method I use to repeatedly create six-figure email campaigns. Check it out here

Growth vs ROI: You’ll Lose If You Don’t Choose

Choosing a Growth or ROI strategy is one of the most important decisions in an online business that no one talks about. Getting this right can be the difference between hyper-growth or completely failing. Learn the difference between the two and why it’s so important here.

Your marketing friend,
Brandon Shelton

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